2013年11月18日 21:29HAYABUSA2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials で,土`山明さん(原始惑星系実験班A02 "Outline of Hayabusa sample preliminary examination results" "Recent progress in Hayabusa sample analysis on 3D microstructure and surface morphology: Comparison with LL chondrite and processes on the asteroid surface"),圦本尚義さん(分析班A05代表 "Report of O isotopic compositions of two Itokawa particles from room B and measurement plan for in-situ 3D-distribution analysis of solar wind noble gases on surface of Itokawa particles"),橘省吾さん(分子雲実験班A01 "Scientific importance of return samples from near-Earth C-type asteroid 1999 JU3: Sampling method/strategy and sample analyses")が招待講演をおこないました.